Best exhibitionist hentai game
Best exhibitionist hentai game

best exhibitionist hentai game

It's one of my most anticipated current games.You are about to enter a website that contains explicit material (pornography). You can decide if your character notices she's being watched, then, after she has noticed, you have the option to still intentionally give them a show. You can be a smart slut, a dumb slut, a smart prude, a dumb prude, and anywhere in between. What's best about it, imo, is the level of control the player has over who the MC is. You and your sister in the park, you and your other sister at a public pool at night, or that same sister on a beach, you and the first sister again at her school, you and that sister's two friends in the library at her school, and I'm sure, given some of the themes, there will be more.Ībsolutely, if you're into female protagonists, Project Sage is perfect for exhibitionism. Sisterly Lust has a lot going on, but it has a fair amount of exhibtionism as well. This game is by no means a masterpiece, but it's fun. From masturbating in class, to not wearing panties and flashing people at work, to later fucking a guy in a public park and being loud enough to draw a crowd, who you let masturbate over you. It's sexual content is among my absolute favorite in any game.Īnother female protagonist game with a lot of exhibitionism is Chloe18. There was even one event with a girl where you have a competition with another guy in public to see who can make their girl cum faster. Then it escalates, you have them call attention to themselves, masturbate in crowds, let you fuck them in front of people, etc.

best exhibitionist hentai game

It's one of my most anticipated current games.īack to Harem Hotel, it has you "train" the girls to be exhibitionists, so it starts off small, a flash here, a secret vibe there. Click to expand.Absolutely, if you're into female protagonists, Project Sage is perfect for exhibitionism.

Best exhibitionist hentai game